Salute to Past President Lois McNamara (2016-2020)
The Salt Air Gardeners (SAG) couldn’t have a normal send-off in April to our former President Lois McNamara due to Covid-19 restrictions. We tried to find other ways to honor Lois and recognize her commitment as the first President from 2016 to 2020.
Current President, Oksana Hoey recognized Lois during a July 2020 SAG board meeting on Zoom. Back in 2016 a group of people met to discuss starting a garden club. Lois was the one who was brave enough to be the president. There were a lot of things to do and learn about how to operate a gardening club. Lois was very successful in creating and growing a club that is continuing to make a positive impact on the community.
During the meeting, board members shared signs decorated with flowers and chose words to describe Lois. Later, Oksana presented Lois with her past president pin, a beautiful flower necklace, and well wishes from our members.
Thank you Lois for your service!